Foxie and her dolls
I can’t imagine Foxie without dolls. She is almost never without one, and they obviously bring her a lot of comfort and happiness. What many people may not realize is that dolls can also be an outlet...
View ArticleFoxie’s new love
It’s a winter wonderland at the sanctuary today: But Foxie is keeping Dora warm inside: Foxie has not left her new Dora the Explorer doll alone since she got it yesterday as part of the Valentine’s...
View ArticleFoxie’s Secret Language
Some forms of chimp communication are universal. Chimps the world over food grunt, make play faces, and pant-hoot. While there are variations to all of these behaviors based on culture and geography,...
View ArticleKeep away
This morning, I caught Missy in a rare moment of stillness. But not for long. Suddenly, she stood up and began scratching vigorously with both hands. Chimpanzees display self-scratching behavior when...
View ArticleFoxie gazing at Dora
One thing that has become clear to me during my years of working with chimpanzees: there is often no answer to “why” questions, such as “why is Foxie so enamored with troll and Dora the Explorer...
View ArticleThe wild and the weird
When given the opportunity, chimpanzees who have spent their entire lives in laboratory cages can learn to be chimps again. They can learn to climb, run, leap, and swing: They can learn to forage for...
View ArticleJody to the rescue
In order to help Burrito’s recovery from his recent dental procedure, we have been giving him and all of the chimpanzees soft foods. So, today we roasted a variety of fruits and vegetables for all of...
View ArticleForaging for food and a doll
While setting up a lunch forage on Young’s Hill, the chimpanzees’ 2 acre outdoor enclosure, volunteer caregiver Patti spotted an “abandoned” French Dora doll. After some deliberation, we decided to...
View ArticleTrust
It takes a lot of trust for two chimpanzees to play together. Many play behaviors are variations on fighting behaviors – chasing, wrestling, stealing, slapping, hitting, etc. – and as play gets more...
View ArticleWhat goes up must come down
If you ever climbed trees as a kid, you might remember that going up is the easy part… …getting back down is an entirely different challenge. Foxie seemed unprepared for the latter when she climbed to...
View ArticleWhy are the Chimps in Cages?
You may have heard that Foxie has become a bit of a celebrity due to this The Dodo article and a follow up story and video on the Huffington Post. Publicity for the sanctuary is so wonderful! New...
View ArticleChimps and Dolls
Chimpanzees are powerful, intelligent, adaptable, and sometimes aggressive wild animals. They do not belong in people’s homes as pets. They do not belong on training compounds used for television...
View ArticleEvenings
Evenings are a special time at the sanctuary. With their bellies full, the chimps choose spots to settle in for the night. They make elaborate nests with the 70 fresh blankets we give out each day....
View ArticlePlayful mornings
The staff have a lot do to each morning before they are ready to serve the chimps their breakfast. What’s a chimp to do in the meantime?
View ArticleBack to a few older favorites
Many of you have probably already seen yesterday’s blog of Foxie with her new doll. Watching the video again, I’m reminded of a question I am often asked regarding how long Foxie carries the same doll...
View ArticleBalancing Act
I snapped a few photos of Foxie this morning as she strolled through Young’s Hill with Dora the Explorer on her back. In the wild, infants will cling to their mothers’ backs. Dora, on the other hand,...
View ArticleFoxie and Pinky’s Adventures
From the moment I walked into the chimp house this morning, Foxie had a companion – a bright, pink- haired troll doll, whom I named “Pinky”. I decided to follow Foxie and Pinky around throughout the...
View ArticleWhere Foxie goes, so goes her doll.
The photos below were taken last week when Foxie’s doll of the day was Dora the Explorer’s blonde friend. If you don’t know the history of Foxie and her dolls, learn all about it here. Since her...
View ArticleThe Perfect Photo
Foxie is off the charts lovable. Her affection for troll dolls is endearing. Her ability to get even the very serious Jamie to cut loose is admirable. Her willingness to step in and give a reassurance...
View ArticleSiesta
Foxie and one of her many beloved trolls enjoy a break from the summer heat: Save
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